The Proem, for me is like a perfect interlude to show us what the album is about. Dimitra has no fear to experiment with her voice and that energy is noticed in the rest of the instruments. In all that atmosphere that they have created for us. In the song Wretched Man, just in “Suddenly I heard a dreadful scream”, I insist, the heartbreaking voice and that moment of silence makes us thnk that the song is over, but no, the suffering lyrics continue. Now, with Below the Surface, they include a new instrument, a piano along with deep breathing sounds. “We’re above the water But I find myself floating away” It is a sentence that we can clearly see. It is full of poetry. They allow themself to play with their sound in the bonus track “Juvenile”.
Go and listen to L’ ORIGINE DU MONDE right now, you will not be disappointed.